Stone Types
There are a number of different stone types to choose from, all with different qualities. They can all be shaped and sized to fit your requirements, some will suit different types of lettering and some will take carving or designs better than others. The face of the stone which will take the inscription will need to be smooth but it is possible to give the other sides and back slightly textured finishes or even a full rustic finish to create a softer, natural look.
Granite can be given a highly polished finish that will make it sparkle. We will be able to advise and offer help, below are some types more commonly used.
Click on any of the images to take you to photo examples in the stone type.
Granite is the most commonly used and cost effective material for making a memorial. It comes in a large range of colours and finishes and it can also be made into any shape you want.
The majority of the granite comes from quarries in India and China. It is very hard wearing and durable, lichens and algae find it very difficult to attach to the stone and if they do soapy water and a cloth will usually clean it off.
The inscription can be cut into the stone, normally this is done using the sandblasting method, and then a coloured paint or gild added to make the letters standout. On granite, with the exception of black, the cut stone has very little colour difference to uncut so without paint the letters will not stand out. The paint is just “sign writers paint” so over time this will fade but the cut lettering will not have worn so they can easily be re-painted.
Alternatively, you can used raised lead letters, this is a very old traditional form of lettering. The lead is usually painted black or gilded, but as this fades over time the natural dark lead remains so the inscription remains legible. All of the granites can have a highly polished (reflective) finish or honed (eggshell) finish.
Beware that granite is very durable but it can still be marked by things that land on it, such as bird mess. Avoid placing items on the stone as this can cause staining particularly anything with metal that will rust, these stains can be very difficult to remove.
Polished black granite kerb set with cut and gilded letters, an ogee shaped top with flower holders BG0016
Polished black granite with cut and gold painted letters and painted designs. An ogee shape with a flower holder BG0029
Polished black granite with cut and gilded letters and a painted design, an ogee shaped top with a flower holder BG0015
Polished black granite with cut and gilded letters and designs, in a book style with flower holders BG0019
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Butterfly Blue granite with cut and gilded letters cross and cat design. A round top, ogee corners shape with a flower holder BLG0003
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Balmoral red granite with gilded raised lead letters and a cut margin and rose design. A flat top with rounded shoulders and bow fronted base with flower holder RG0002
Polished Balmoral Red with gilded letters, cut and painted music notes and flowers design. A square top with rounded shoulders with flower holder RG0003
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Polished light grey granite with cut and gilded letters and cross. An ogee top with a flower holder LG0029
Polished light grey granite with cut and black painted letters, a round top shape with a flower holder LG0022
Polished light grey granite with black painted raised lead letters in a book style and kerb set LG0018
Polished light grey granite book with cut and black painted letters. A carved and highlighted design and a flower holder LG0023
Polished front panel in light grey granite with black painted raised lead letters and a punched finish to the back, sides and front margin LG0005
Honed light grey granite with cut and black painted letters. An ogee shape with a matching vase LG0008
Honed light grey granite with cut and black painted letters. An ogee shape and two flower holders LG0007
Honed light grey granite with cut and black painted letters, a carved design, two matching vases and a oval top, ogee corners shape LG0012
Honed light grey granite with cut and black painted letters in a book style with a flower holder LG0020
Honed light grey granite with cut and black painted letters and cross and a highlighted rose design LG0006
Honed light grey granite with black painted raised lead letters and designs, rustic sides and back. planter in a gothic shape LG0009
Honed light grey granite upright book design with black raised lead lettering and a matching vase LG0010
Honed light grey granite tablet with cut and black painted letters and design and a matching vase LG0041
Front of Honed Light Grey Granite with Cut and Black Painted Letters. A Rustic Front Margin, Side and Back with a Bow Fronted Base LG0004
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Honed dark grey granite with cut and white painted letters with an ogee top shape and matching vase DG0010
Honed dark grey granite with cut and white painted letters and book design with an ogee top shape DG0009
Honed dark grey granite with cut and silver painted letters. Rustic margins and back, monolith DG0017
Honed Dark Grey Granite with Cut and Silver Painted Letters and an Apex and Stepped Shaped Top with matching vase DG0012
Honed dark grey granite with cut and silver painted letters with an ogee top shape and a flower holder DG0003
Honed dark grey granite with cut and silver painted letters with an ogee top shape and planter DG0006
Honed dark grey granite with cut and silver painted letters with an ogee top shape and a flower holder DG0005
Honed dark grey granite with cut and gilded and painted white letters and design. Rustic edges and base DG0029
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Nabresina with hand cut and black painted letters with a carved design. A round topped monolith N0007
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Purbeck Book with cut and dark grey painted letters. A bluebell design and two silver flower holders PB0001
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Please visit the Gallery page for more examples.
Nabresina is an Italian Limestone. It is very hard wearing and comes in pale grey or Nabresina Light which is more creamy coloured. When fresh you will see a slightly darker fleck of grey shell running through the stone. It usually will have a smooth but unpolished finish. It can have simple designs sandblasted or more intricate designs can be hand carved.
The letters can be sandblasted into the stone or hand cut as with granite. It is better to add paint to help make the letters standout but if the letters are hand cut this isn’t essential. Alternatively, you could use flush lead letters, these require no paint using the natural dark colour of the lead to make the letters stand out. Slowly over the years the stone will darken and take on a natural patina but can be easily cleaned.
Portland Stone
Portland Stone is another cream coloured limestone, paler than Purbeck stone and with less dark fleck or shells in the stone. Again we would recommend using hand cut letters that will benefit from having paint added but not essential. It can be made into any shape and can be smooth all around or rustic finished on the back and sides. Beautiful hand carved designs can be added to make a really unique memorial. Over time the stone will darken and take on a natural patina.
Purbeck Stone
Purbeck Stone is a beautiful cream colour limestone cut locally from quarries in Dorset. When fresh it is clear to see a darker fleck and pattern of shell running through the stone. We would recommend using hand cut letters that will benefit from having paint added but not essential. It will take carvings well and these can be left unpainted. It can be made into any shape and can be smooth all around or the back and sides can have rustic finishes to add more character. Slowly the stone will darken and take on a natural patina but can be easily cleaned. The Purbeck quarries are restricted to the amount of stone they can extract each year. For a memorial we need the best quality so it can take 6 months or more to get the right piece of stone.
Slate is one of the most beautiful stones for memorials. It comes in dark grey or dark green and is sourced from quarries in the UK. It is very hardwearing and resistant to algae and lichens and can usually be cleaned using water and a soft cloth. The letters will need to be hand cut and do not require painting, although when the stone is wet the inscription may be difficult to read. The stone finish is usually smooth all around and can be made into any shape. It will carve beautifully and can take very detailed designs.
Marble is an Italian limestone, it is predominantly white with a grey “cloud” running through it. It is a relatively soft stone so will weather and discolour over time. It was a very commonly used memorial stone, traditionally inscribed using flush lead letters and this still is the best way to put an inscription on the stone. It can easily be carved. In most cases it is not allowed in churchyards anymore but can be used in cemeteries.
Ham Stone is a local honey coloured limestone and has a large amount of character running through it. The letters will need to be hand cut and paint added to make them stand out. We need the best quality ham stone to make a memorial and we do our best to select this to ensure the stone will be perfect, but due to the nature of the limestone there is a possibility of some parts weathering more quickly than we would like. Also, due to requiring only the best quality, it can take a very long time to get a suitable piece – in some cases over a year.